老王vn2 2.1.6蓝奏

About – Contact

老王vn2 2.1.6蓝奏

A renowned food and still life photographer with a clean distinctive style. Gareth’s work has been embraced by designers, art directors and art buyers alike. Creatively and technically sharp, his skill has been shown to eminent effect across packaging, design, advertising, editorial and increasingly directing moving image too.

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老王vn2 2.1.6蓝奏

老王vn2 2.1.6蓝奏

+44 (0)7712 677 474

老王vn2 2.1.6蓝奏

+44 (0)20 7440 1400

老王vn2 2.1.6蓝奏

A renowned food and still life photographer with a clean distinctive style. Gareth’s work has been embraced by designers, art directors and art buyers alike. Creatively and technically sharp, his skill has been shown to eminent effect across packaging, design, advertising, editorial and increasingly directing moving image too.

For more information or to request a showreel or a portfolio viewing, please use the contacts opposite.

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